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Beating Vegas Roulette

  • Roulette is a casino game named after the French word meaning little wheel.In the game, players may choose to place bets on either a single number, various groupings of numbers, the colors red or black, whether the number is odd or even, or if the numbers are high (19–36) or low (1–18).
  • How to Beat Roulette by Improving Your Odds The house edge on an American roulette wheel is 5.26%, so having a good grasp of the odds involved is key if you want to improve your odds of winning.

How to Beat Roulette Wheel In fact, Roulette appears to be the easiest of games. Simply make a bet, watch the spinning wheel, pray to the heavens above that your bet wins, and take away the profits. However,Roulette players put Lady Luck to the first place and often she fails. Roulette is a Short-Term Game. Set a limit for your losses and set a goal for your winnings before.

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But where
does hydration
fit in?

Ask Axel, that's his area.
'It's not enough to succeed, your friends must fail.' Gore Vidal
Quote: OnceDear

And I can see how some of us are drawn to challenge their outrageous claims.
We fools feed them, extend their vanity threads, even get suspended for their entertainment. Look. It's happening here and now!

You didn't really suspend kewlJ for that one, did you?
Yowza -- I'll go back to self suspension on principle.
I'll be starting up my own pseudo-clever site soon. I'll report when it's up and running. It'll have a few articles regarding this kind of baccarat mastery.
VegasNo. It was a political comment on the COVID thread.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.

Figure it out yourself, put in the
due diligence needed and quit
looking for handouts. Took me
years.. Nobody wants to do the
actual work, they want a tell-all
book to take them by the hand.
Gamblers tend to be very lazy,
goes with the territory. I've never
been a gambler, I only play if
I know 100% that I own the game.

Lmao EB I’m clearly mocking you πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. β€” Amarillo Slim Preston

Lmao EB I’m clearly mocking you πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

Because mocking what you don't
understand is so easy. Mark Twain
mocked Bell's telephone when
asked to invest on the ground
floor of the new product. He
thought it was a toy that had

$1 Roulette Tables In Vegas

no practical uses. He wasn't
laughing 10 years later when
Bell had a hit and Twain was
broke from dumping all
his money into a useless
type setting machine.
'It's not enough to succeed, your friends must fail.' Gore Vidal
Thanks for this post from:
I think that I will start using
only metered words on this site.
Then I can start writing like this;
its fun, if challenging to do.
Then I can look like bob, oh wow!
(that's iambic tetrameter)
'So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened.' - Maurice Clarett
Thanks for this post from:
People with fringe beliefs are just going to get mocked. Alien abductees, flat earthers, baccarat methodists. If you're going to take a bizarre indefensible stance you're going to have to come up with a lot of non sequiturs to deflect the abuse.
Thanks for this post from:

I've never looked at this thread. Mdawg claims he beats bac? So what, lots of people do. I beat it. I don't play it because I don't like the company at bac tables. The casino wayyyyyy favors certain people from certain places and lets them get away with breaking every rule. Screw that.
I remember in 2008 went to Four Winds on the MI border. It was only me and the bac dealer, and one other. I said to her I'm going to make my $100 goal and leave. About 15 hands later I'm $100 ahead and the dealer is staring at me. She leans in and in a low voice says, my advice is if you want to play here, don't tell the pit what your win goal is and then do it. You won't be playing for long.
The same thing happened at Soaring Eagle. I was staying there and drinking vodka and playing bac for fun with $5 bets. I was stupidly talking to the dealer about how easy bac is to beat and then beating it. I was up $150 (on $5 bets) and it was just me playing and one other and this nasty pit lady finally told us they were closing the table. All I was doing was winning.
So if bac is Mdawg's game I totally believe him. Beating bac isn't that hard, you have to know when to bet and when not to. Some shoes are total no bet shoes, that's another reason I don't play. I like to get in and get out, I don't have time for periods of waiting for bets to appear.
Does anybody really think some of those big casinos in Macao that have 800 bac tables, with 400 of them active at any one time, doesn't have people there that have beaten the game? Of course they do, really really clever players you will neve catch. It's much easier to play roulette where nobody is even suspecting you can beat it.

I love everything about this post.
A few thoughts:
-This shows how great Las Vegas is. If a gambler tells the pit about their 'win goals', and bets accordingly to reach it, the casino loves it and will give a lot of comps in the hopes they keep setting more and more of these 'win goals'.
-Being able to win $150 on $5 bets can easily be increased to winning $1,500 on $50 bets, or even $15,000 on $500 bets. And doing that in Las Vegas, will mean they keep the tables open for you, they won't close them.
-These facts about beating baccarat should end all ideas about MDawg's reports being inaccurate.
-EvenBob proves that certain methods do allow players to win regularly and consistently at baccarat (and roulette). It is like what Ed Thorpe did with blackjack in the 60s.

I love everything about this post.
-These facts about beating baccarat should end all ideas about MDawg's reports being inaccurate.
-EvenBob proves that certain methods do allow players to win regularly and consistently at baccarat (and roulette). It is like what Ed Thorpe did with blackjack in the 60s.

TomG, you posted that without a hint of a Smiley or sarcasm tags. Nice one!
I must go through your earlier posts to assess what percentage of that was sincere. $:o)
Take care out there. Spare a thought for the newly poor who were happy in their world just a few days ago, but whose whole way of life just collapsed..

Free Online Roulette Games Vegas

I love everything about this post.
A few thoughts:
-This shows how great Las Vegas is. If a gambler tells the pit about their 'win goals', and bets accordingly to reach it, the casino loves it and will give a lot of comps in the hopes they keep setting more and more of these 'win goals'.
-Being able to win $150 on $5 bets can easily be increased to winning $1,500 on $50 bets, or even $15,000 on $500 bets. And doing that in Las Vegas, will mean they keep the tables open for you, they won't close them.
-These facts about beating baccarat should end all ideas about MDawg's reports being inaccurate.
-EvenBob proves that certain methods do allow players to win regularly and consistently at baccarat (and roulette). It is like what Ed Thorpe did with blackjack in the 60s.

They closed the tables on Phil Ivey. :)
EvenBob: if it's true as you say that you can beat Bac and Roulette easily then one of these things must surely be true:
you are a multi-millionaire due to your gambling exploits

Vegas Roulette Odds

you are not a multi-millionaire due to your gambling exploits because you don't care about being fantastically wealthy
there is also (although I admit it's a very distant third possibility, a true longshot) that you are not a multi-millionaire from your gambling exploits because you can't really easily beat bac and roulette - it's all just a fantasy - although you may actually believe it's true
but again, I will state, there's not much of a chance of this being true - I just mention it to cover all bases
𝘱𝘒𝘡𝘳π˜ͺ𝘰𝘡: 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘀𝘒𝘯 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘰𝘢π˜₯𝘦𝘴𝘡 𝘸π˜ͺ𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘢𝘡 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘒𝘡 𝘩𝘦 π˜ͺ𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘒𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘡............. ᴍᴀʀᴋ α΄›α΄‘α΄€ΙͺΙ΄

Roulette is one of the most exciting games in the casino because it’s a game people can play (and win!) together. No system works all the time, but knowing a few basic strategies can help minimize losses and maximize gains.

Roulette is a pure game of luck. There is absolutely no 100% successful strategy for winning at roulette, despite numerous advertisements to the contrary in some newspapers and on the internet. Even Albert Einstein weighed in on the subject, reputedly saying β€œYou cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it.” Since stealing money off a roulette table is a very bad idea in the modern casino, I decided to look at some popular strategies that have developed since the game began back in the late 18th century. Allegedly derived from efforts by Blaise Pascal to create a perpetual motion machine in the 17th century, the French novel La Roulette, ou le Jour by Jaques Lablee describes a modern roulette wheel being played in 1796 inside the Palais Royal in Paris.

People have been devising strategies on how to win ever since.

Roulette has a relatively high house advantage, especially on the double zero tables that populate most Vegas casinos. It’s a fun game to play, but it’s a RNG (Random Number Generator) game where the odds stay exactly the same on every spin. In other words, if Red numbers have hit five times in a row, the chance of a Red number hitting on the next spin remains 47.37%, the exact same chance that a Black number will hit. Roulette is not an even money game because the 0 and 00 each have a 2.63% chance of hitting, thus reducing all the β€œeven money” bets (red/black, odd/even, high/low) to 47.37%.

Since the odds remain exactly the same on every spin, most popular strategies for winning at roulette focus on manipulating the amount of units you wager. I’ve experimented with several of the following systems and can say that the one thing they all do (if you adhere to them) is limit your losses. There’s something to be said for following your gut feeling when you walk passed a roulette table. Either keep on walking or look at the results board and try to double your money with one bet.

Tip #1 – Roulette is a Short-Term Game. Set a limit for your losses and set a goal for your winnings before you start to play.

Tip #2 – Avoid the Martingale System. This is the system very popular with people who have had too much to drink. Like the game of roulette itself, the Martingale System began in France in the 18th century. The strategy requires that the gambler double his even money bet after every loss so that the first win recovers all previous bets plus a profit equal to the first amount wagered. The problems with the system are threefold. First, it requires an unlimited bankroll. Second, most casinos have table maximum limits to curtail this system. Third, a $10 initial bet turns into a $160 bet if you lose just four times in a row. Mathematicians sometimes like to tweak the Martingale System and use the Fibonocci sequence (1,1,2,3,5,8,13…) where the sum of the two previous bets equals the next bet. Elegant, yes, but it’s just a slower road to ruin with less winnings on a hot streak.

Tip #3 – If you’re good with numbers, try the LabouchΓ¨re system. This may require a piece of paper and a pen, two things the pit boss might not allow you to use. It’s an involved mathematical progression, but you might be able to keep track of by using your chip stack. Basically you decide how much you want to win and then write down a list of numbers that equal that amount. A player stakes an amount equal to the sum of the first and last numbers on the list with every bet. If the bet is successful, the two amounts are removed from the list. If the bet is unsuccessful, the amount lost is appended to the end of the list and the player stakes an amount equal to the sum of the first and (new) last number on the list. As with any system, a bad losing streak can bust you. But, even a moderate hot streak can help you hit your target win amount.

Tip #4 – Start Small and Wait for an Overdue 2-1 Bet. Sit down with your loss limit and target win clearly in mind. Place small even money bets (red/black. odd/even, high/low) bets until you get a feel for the table. Watch for trends, either recurring ones or overdue, in the β€œ1st 12”, β€œ2nd 12” and β€œ3rd 12” groupings. When you feel ready, make you move. Double your average units wagered and pick a group (either 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36). Unlike regular outside bets, these groups of a dozen pay 2-1. This is a variant of the β€œDouble Dozens” strategy. Play it until it hits or you bust. If it hits, take some of your winnings and cover some of the overdue numbers in that group. For example, I like to wait until there’s been a dry spell in high numbers, then bet the β€œ3rd 12” group until it hits and then when it does hit use some of my 2-1 win to cover the inside numbers 30-36, letting the rest ride on β€œ3rd 12”. A lucky back-to-back win can be very profitable when upping your bet with the house’s money!

Although there’s the same probability (2.63%) of any single number hitting on any single spin, trends do occur in roulette and waiting for them is part of the fun and excitement, as well as part of playing to win (or at least limit losses).

Next week I’ll look at some legendary roulette wins, along with some other Vegas myths and legends.