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How To Turn On Sound

A question that seems to come up with frequent regularity in theSimpler Trading Options Gold Chat Room is that of using custom alert sounds in thinkorswim. I use a custom high and low $TICK alert sound on my system to distinguish them from the myriad of other audio alerts ringing, chiming, or dinging.

  • From the System Preferences, select Sound. Select Output, then adjust the sound level by using the sliding control labeled Output. To change the volume level on a Windows computer, select the speaker icon located next to the clock on the bottom right corner of the screen and use the sliding control to adjust the volume level.
  • If the source device doesn't transmit a stereo signal, sound may only come out of one speaker on the TV, and the volume will sound low. In this case, adjust or replace the source device. If the TV has a Simulated effect in the Audio or Sound menu, turn it OFF. If the TV has a Volume Offset setting in the menu, increase it to the maximum value.
How To Turn On Sound

The process is relatively simple but somewhat buried within the alert setup process. Before we begin, you will need an appropriate sound file in either a .wav or .mp3 format. You can find these fairly readily on the net and I’ve used the custom text to speech site ( to generate some of my specific spoken audio alerts.

It is important to save the sound file to a location on your hard drive that is both easy to find but also permanent. If you move the file after adding it to TOS, the application will no longer be able to find it. I stick my files within the thinkorswim folder itself.

To begin, you will need to go through the process of setting up an alert. I usually right click on the chart and select “Create alert”. Hidden toward the bottom of the alert window are the options for the alert.


1) Click the > next to “Notify with” to expand the options:

How To Turn On Sound

2) You will need to scroll down using the scroll bar on the right to actually see all the options:

Here is a quick course in sound recovery on your iPhone. Following is a list of tips for what you should do to restore sound if your sound suddenly stops. Make sure that You haven’t touched the volume control buttons on the side of your iPhone. They’re on the left side of the phone.

3) From the Play Sound option, click the dropdown which defaults to the Bell sound and scroll to the bottom. Choose “Edit custom sounds”.

4) Click the button to Change any of the nine custom sounds available. This will open a standard file browser which will allow you to navigate to the location on your hard drive where you saved the sound file. Select the file and press Open. Finally click Save to complete the process of adding the custom sound file to TOS.

You can now select your custom sound any time you set up a new alert. It will be available in the dropdown menu along with the four built in sounds as long as you don’t move the sound file from its original location.

How To Turn On Sound

Recently Facebook have added another feature just some days before launching Graph search. Which is notification sound, like graph search this feature of Facebook is also not available to all of the Facebook users. But it will be available in all countries soon. Now a days most people on internet are searching about how to turn Facebook notification sound off. But I think its useful to have notification sound because if you are working on your computer with Facebook logged in and you also want be notice all the notifications on time. Then you should turn on Facebook notification sound. That’s why today we are going to turn Facebook notification sound on in simple way.

1: Go In Account Settings:

First of all you have to go in the account settings, for this move the mouse cursor to the right side of the screen ( If Graph Search is enabled, otherwise move to left ) and click on the small wheel. Then a small menu will be open in which you have to click on “Account Settings” as shown in the screenshot below.

Account settings – Turn Facebook notifications Sound on

2: Now Go in the Notifications settings:

Now the second thing which you have to do is go in the notifications settings, you will find “Notifications” option on the left sidebar.

Notifications – Turn Facebook Notification sound on

After that you have to click on “On Facebook” in “How to get notifications”.

Notifications On Facebook – Turn Facebook Notification sound on

Then “Check” the options. “Play a sound when each notification is received”. Then click on the “Save changes” to save the changes. Now you are all done whenever you will receive a notification Facebook will ring you.

Check the options – Turn Facebook Notification Sound On

How To Turn On Sound For Screen Recording

How To Turn On Sound

How To Turn On Sound On Reddit

Know the best about Turn Facebook Notification Sound on in Simple way:

Turn On Sound Audio

So, this is the way you can easily Turn Facebook notification sound on. The benefit to do this is, whenever you will receive a new notification Facebook will ring to tell you that you have new notification as Facebook do for chat messages. We hope you will like the stuff but stay in touch with us because there is coming more.